Place the 'ZombieEscape' folder inside 'garrysmod/gamemodes' MapsĪdditional maps can be found on Īlso be sure to check out any CS:S Zombie Escape servers for any popular maps. OnBossDefeated( Table boss, Player attacker ) see sv_a OnInfected( Player ply, Player attacker ) Map fixes may be added to 'gamemode/maps/a'Ī selection of hooks are made available for developers looking to implement custom rewards or other features

ze_propknockback "Force multiplier for props when shot."Ĭustom human weapons may be added by editing the 'weapons.txt' file.ze_zmotherknockback "Knockback multiplier for mother zombies.".ze_zknockback "Knockback multiplier for zombies.".ze_zspawn_timelimit "Time from the start of the round to allow late zombie spawning.".ze_zspawn_latejoin "Allow late joining as zombie.".ze_buyzone "Whether or not players may purchase weapons only in a buyzone.".ze_ammo "Amount of ammo to give humans.".ze_ztimer_max "Maximum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).".ze_ztimer_min "Minimum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s)." Encuentre el mejor servidor CS:GO Zombie escape consultando nuestra lista multijugador.ze_max_rounds "Maximum amount of rounds played prior to map switch".Decreased zombie health and infection time with larger amount of playersĪlthough it's suggested to keep these settings at their default, you may change them if you feel necessary.Automated map changing after max rounds.Map messages sent to the HUD (instead of chat).Each weapon has their own stats, which affects the amount of push.

Humans are able to 'push' zombies back with their bullets. The humans must escape the infection by reaching the end of the map, otherwise the zombies will succeed. Players initially spawn as humans, and after a short amount of time, an infection outbreaks. Truly a funny map, with lots of details for a map with this intention, and good balance and gameplay.Zombie Escape is a popular gamemode for Counter-Strike: Source, now available for Garry's Mod. This is the censored version, as apparantly there has been an uncensored version at some point (judging from the gamebanana submission page).

It features very few actual bossfights or special items, instead relies solely on teamplay to beat it. An otaku room is actually a real thing, which is what this map took as theme. It’s filled with over-the-top anime girls in a giant rats-like bedroom, alongside a lot of other stuff you’d commonly expect in such a special room. Pretty much what you’d expect from a map with this name. Zombie Escape on Counter-Strike: Source – Map: ze otakumroom v5 6fs (Level 1) (4K UHD – 60FPS)